
3 min readJun 2, 2021


KREATURX is a chronicled depiction of the lives of various characters in the fictional world of Tyramidia through art and music. The lives of all the characters are eerily similar to some of present day and ancestral humans.

In the land of Tyramidia, the power comes not from money, but from will.

The Kreaturx are divided into tiers in accordance with their influence and power in the land:

TIERS : NO. of Cards

Gold Tier : 8
Silver Tier :12
Black Tier : 20
Blue Tier : 28
Red Tier : 32

Chronicles of the conflict in Tyramidia

Foreword by Chairman Pho of Tyramidia:
Ever since the collapse of the old feudal order, the toppling of monarchs, the world has reorganized itself into myriad republics and nation states headed by a new ruling class who through the expansion of capital and technological progress have cemented their role in this new order. Old kingdoms and feudal monarchies lie in rubble as overnight, new republics are born, empires are chalked up and new lands and resources are plundered leading to the flood of goods and commodities across the globe ready to be shipped off and traded for profits. Although such a surge in the productive forces wherever the new rulers have taken roots is resoundingly impressive, the wealth and the resources do not belong to the masses but get concentrated in the hands of the elites and the new found establishment and the usual order of exploitation and tyranny by the few ensues. Such forces of transformation have also made themselves familiar in our native tyramidian lands — the Predatus trading company has set foot on our shores, first as friendly merchants from far off lands, amalgamating with old foes of the people — the feudal lords and the forces of the occult, to act as their extended arm of oppression and secondly as vicious serpents scheming to usurp these lands from its old rulers by prodding into factional rifts within the old ruling class to take total control. Having said this we concern ourselves less with the internal machinations of the ruling classes but rather more with the liberation of the masses of toilers who inhabit this land being crushed by this unholy alliance of the feudal barons and the modern imperialists. We strive to end this brutal occupation and also rid ourselves of the old order and from its ashes bring forth a society based on a more radical order, where each and every tyramidian owns the fruits of their labour and as a collective of individuals control our own destiny. This is in no way a proposal to go back to the old ways, neither do we embrace the ways of the imperialist by occupation and advanced war, but rather we utilize this immense leap in scientific and technological progress to propel the whole of tyramidia into the future and ensure prosperity for all. My fellow tyramidians I command you to pick up arms and militantly organize in combating the forces of reaction and the imperialist threat.

Please note that a total of 100 cards would be minted on and distributed on a first come first serve basis.

KREATURX can be collected here:

Together we descend into the path of blazing glory and we draw our weapons high and our flags higher!




Designer, Cryptoartist. Metaverse believer.